Our products are attested by the National Institute of National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene.
Certificate ISO 9001: 2015
MAKRO-PLAST Sp. z o.o. applies a quality management system for: Design and manufacture of plastic profiles and components according to PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.
The protection logo MAK Z258118
Registered trademark MAK. 2005
Certificate of protection of decorative pattern no. 16275, 16276 issued by the Polish Patent Office
The certificate concerns the boards for tiling and terracotta tiles. The Polish Patent Office certifies that the products mentioned above are legal and patented and do not infringe the rights of other manufacturers. 1999
Certificate of authorship of decorative pat tern no. 9957, 9958 issued by the Polish Patent Office
The certificate concerns the boards for tiling and terracotta tiles. The Polish Patent Office certifies that the products mentioned above are legal and patented and do not infringe the rights of other manufacturers. 1999
EDP Environmental Declaration Certyficate
The declaration applies to plastic profiles and elements. It determines the degree of impact of the product on the environment at each stage of its production. From the acquisition of materials, through the production stage, transport, assembly, use, to disposal and recykling.